Oral Presentation ANZOS-Breakthrough Discoveries Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

Comparing Two Exercise Training Doses on Body Composition in Adults with Overweight/Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomised Controlled Trial (#64)

Emily R Cox 1 , Jeff S Coombes 1 , Trishan Gajanand 1 , Shelley E Keating 1
  1. School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia

Introduction: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) and overweight/obesity frequently occur concomitantly, further increasing an individual’s risk of developing complications such as cardiovascular disease. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been suggested as a viable alternative to moderate intensity continuous training (MICT) to improve exercise participation in adults with T2D. However, the effects of HIIT on body composition in T2D are not well known. We aimed to compare the effects of low-volume combined aerobic and resistance HIIT (C-HIIT) with combined aerobic and resistance MICT (C-MICT) on body composition in adults with T2D following 8-weeks of supervised training and 10-months of home-based training.

Methods: 50 individuals (age 60.0±8.5y, BMI 34.1±7.3kg/m2, 60% male) diagnosed with T2D (mean HbA1c 7.7±1.3%) were randomly allocated to 8-weeks of either supervised C-HIIT (1x4min high intensity aerobic @ 85-95% HRpeak plus resistance training, 3 times/week), supervised C-MICT (52.5min @ 55-65% HRpeak, 2 times/week; 22.5min @ 55-65% HRpeak plus resistance training, 2 times/week) or control (usual care). Participants then completed 10-months of home-based training (same protocol), with once monthly supervised sessions. Body composition was assessed using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and waist and hip circumference at baseline, 8-weeks and 12-months.

Results: There were no significant interaction or time effects. There were no significant differences in any body composition variables between C-HIIT and C-MICT at any time point. C-HIIT significantly decreased fat mass (p=.03) and increased lean mass (p=.003) compared to control after 8 weeks. C-MICT significantly increased lean mass (p=.036) compared to control after 8 weeks.

Conclusion: There were no differences between C-HIIT and C-MICT for changes in body composition in adults with T2D following 8-weeks of supervised exercise training and 10-months of home-based training. Both C-HIIT and C-MICT improved body composition compared to control. Therefore, C-HIIT is a time efficient alternative to C-MICT to improve body composition in T2D.